Supermarkets, shopping centres and every other shop is closed. It's Sunday - its Family Day. The bakeries open in the morning, as everyone needs their 'Pa amb Tomaquet' (bread and tomato), but that's it. 35 degree heat, nobody around... perfect day for chilling in the backyard, dozing, or having a tinnie or two.
a 'tinny' of beer (traditional Australian food)
Well, the village of Cardedeu wasn't doing this! They were out protesting for independance from Spain! Although this was only a trial run for September 11, which is the National Day for Catalonia, there was a good turn out - about 800 people. There were flags in abundance, and good spirits all-round.
The idea was to make a human chain, or 'cadena humana,' from Cardedeu to Llinars (which is the next village, about 3 kms away). Although the chain didn't make it the length of the village, it was still a good effort. People lined up, held hands, smiled and waved flags. Flags, flags and more flags there were - capes, full-body coverings, t-shirts - anywhere you could stick a flag, one was stuck there!
Along the line, old blunderbusses (or 'trabucaries') were fired by men and women wearing traditional Catalan costumes. At the end of the demonstration, a few (too many) words were said by some local politician about this and that, then what everyone had been waiting for - the releasing of the flag! Up until this point, the Senyera (the name for the Catalan flag - I love flags with proper names!) had been tied up nice and neatly to a flag pole at the top end of the village. On queue, it was released... well, half-way. We all thought for a minute that it was all going to go wrong - the big finale was going to be ruined by a stuck flag! Then, as everyone was still breathing in, hoping, a warm summer breeze came in and brought the flag to life - WOW! What a relief! All 20 guns were fired, including a small cannon that had been wheeled up the hill, scaring kids and adults alike, then the National Anthem began.
Everyone knew the words!
Who said 'The Youth of Today' don't have any respect!
What a great afternoon! Proud to be Catalan they are - not overly nationalistic or patriotic - just proud of being who they are. No flag burning, no bad words to say about any other country - they just want to have theirs. I think people have a lot to learn from the Catalans - they have not resorted to violence, but have always tried for independence peacefully and with discussions and openness. I hate to say this, but in many other countries there would have been a few problems.
Well done Cardedeu! Next - Catalonia! On September 11 the whole country will be lining up in a Human Chain, right up and down the coast, as a peaceful protest to say: "Spain, give us a referendum, give us our freedom!" It is supposed to be a Democracy, so the people MUST have a say!
"12 Highlanders and a bagpipe make a rebellion" - Scottish proverb
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